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Next Generation Icon

Raisa Naser Khan, Local President of JCI Dhaka Uptown, Founder of Glamshow, is aiming in empowering business incubator. Raisa is the icon of the next generation.

Raisa Naser Khan has completed her O Levels and A Levels from Maple Leaf International School under Cambridge International Education. She completed her undergraduate in Business Administration from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

When she was giving her A levels, always felt like she needed to do something in life and be on her own. Raisa is from a conservative family and have three older brothers, so she really wanted to prove that she can be independent and that she is not afraid of the outside world. The night before her A-level results, she started her platform Glamshow. 

So far she didn’t raise any funds yet for her business, and no experience but was ready to take on the world. With the grace of the Almighty, didn’t have to wait long before she started to get bookings, and slowly, with a lot of hard work and perseverance, you see the Glamshow as it is today she added. 

When she was young, started her venture, but in Bangladesh, age is not just a number. People do tend to discriminate against you based on your age. Another problem she has been faced that start working right after her A levels, so there was a constant struggle to find enough time for work and for her studies. However, one good thing was that she didn’t face so many problems being a girl because many female entrepreneurs supported her to grow her platform. 

She started her career in the salon business and was the operations director of Le Meridien Spa. She joined at offshore school where she was the only Bengali there. She had to work from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and realized that it was so difficult for her and she left. Later on, also got a job offer from a multinational company Believe Pte Ltd finally she joined there for PR and after that, she has been promoted as a Brand Marketing Consultant. So overall, working in a versatile environment helped her learn a lot and grow as an entrepreneur. Raisa’s experiences helped her to meet new people, and build up networking, but one thing that she would like to highlight is that utilization of your network is more important. She wants to introduce more unique events and for that she needs some angel investors for her company. As she has associated with an international social organization. 

Feel proud to say that I am already working with a lot of people outside Bangladesh for my events but what I want to focus on next is to host an event outside Bangladesh and bring Glamshow to the global platform.

Raisa has given a few advices to the young entrepreneurs, provided below: 

1: To learn firstly because you can’t grow alone; 

2: Find a partner if you want to expand your business;

3: Most importantly, you can’t grow fast, you need to take your time to know your market and slowly expand your business, do a proper business plan then execute it. 

She said that the most challenging experience is doing fieldwork. When you do field work you have to work with a lot of people from various backgrounds and most often your way of thinking won’t match with others, so during those times, you have to learn how to deal with people and help them understand what you are trying to achieve. 

She thinks success is shouldn’t be defined as how other people see you. Raisa would define success as how you feel about yourself and how positively you are affecting other people’s lives with your actions. It should not be about the numbers you earn but the number of lives you are changing through your support.

Every day is not the same. There are many days when she feels like doing nothing and lay down on her bed all day long and there are many days when she worked till late at night. But the more important is having a work-life balance. If you stay home for two days and work three days I think that’s far more productive than working monotonously for five days straight. Your mental health should always come first. If you earn a lot but can’t enjoy the little things in life then she doesn’t think there is a point of living.

Think in the near future we will see more companies producing and selling female hygiene products and here at Glamshow In Sha Allah we are also thinking of production as well. I also there will be more traction in our agricultural industry and our beauty and cosmetics industry.

About The Author

Gaznobay is a global business magazine.

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